Board of Directors

As established by the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29, 2023 and the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corporate bylaws.

Bernardo Lijtszain Bimstein

Related member

Aby Lijtszain Chernizky

Related member

Rodolfo Mercado Franco

Related member

Abel Puszkar Kessel

Related member

José Ramón Suárez Rotter

Related member

Jorge Vargas Diez-Barroso

Independent member

Alberto Moreno Ruíz Esparza

Independent member

Carlos Miguel Mendoza Valencia

Independent member

Harry Frederick Krensky

Independent member

Arturo José Saval Pérez

Independent member

Roberto Langenauer Neuman

Independent member

Marina Diaz Ibarra

Independent member

Aaron Dychter Poltolarek

Independent member

Elena González Blanco García

Independent member

Teresa Gutierrez Smith

Independent member

Rafael Robles Miaja

Secretary non member


We have a variety of committees that assist the Board of Directors in the management and administration of the company.

  • The Executive Committee is responsible, among other obligations, for reviewing the results, strategies and relevant issues of each entity that make up the Company, which are then submitted for consideration by the CEO of the respective entity.

  • The Audit Committee has among its functions to evaluate our internal audit and control systems to identify any significant deficiencies; follow up on the corrective or preventive measures that are adopted in case of any breach of guidelines and operating and accounting policies; monitor cybersecurity management; evaluate the performance of the external auditors and address their observations; review our financial statements and recommend their approval to the Board of Directors; evaluate the effects resulting from any modification to the accounting policies approved during the fiscal year; follow up on the measures adopted in relation to the observations of directors, relevant executives, collaborators or third parties on accounting, internal control systems and internal and external auditing, as well as any claim related to irregularities in the administration, including confidential and anonymous methods for the management of reports expressed by collaborators through our complaint line, and monitor compliance with the agreements of the general shareholders' meetings and the Board of Directors. The actions, decisions and recommendations issued by the Audit Committee are supported by the analysis of strategic and operational risks that takes into account all the business units of the company, and whose management is the responsibility of the corporate Risk area. All of the directors that make it up are independent.

  • Among other responsibilities, the Corporate Practices and Sustainability Committee evaluates the performance of relevant executives and reviews the compensation granted to them; reviews transactions that are conducted between related parties; evaluates any dispensation granted to the directors or relevant executives to take advantage of business opportunities, and performs those activities required under the Securities Market Law. Moreover, the Committee is in charge of reviewing, monitoring and approving, where appropriate, the Company's sustainability, environmental, social and governance activities, in compliance with applicable legislation and good corporate governance practices.

  • The Compensation and Nominations Committee is responsible for proposing the names of those who they believe are eligible to be part of the Board of Directors. This is carried out in situations when Board Members have not been ratified at the Shareholders’ Meeting. Candidates from investor groups representing 10% of share capital are considered. The Committee also performs activities set out in the Securities Markets Law and our bylaws.